뉴질랜드 한국교육원 한국어 무료교실


뉴질랜드 한국교육원 한국어 무료교실

교육원관리자 0 6704
뉴질랜드 한국교육원에서 제공하는 한국어 성인반 무료교실은 아래와 같습니다.
더 자세한 사항을 원하시면 저희 한국교육원으로 문의하시기 바랍니다.

<Evening Korean Language Class for Adult>

The Korean Education Centre in New Zealand offers a great way to learn Korean Language for non-Korean
speakers who reside in the Auckland region. Evening adult classes consist of different levels of language
competence courses: from Beginner to Advanced.
The last academic term for this year commenced on 15th October and each term holds 10-week duration of
Fully supported by Korean Government, the Korean Language classes do not entail tuition or enrolment fees.

-Provides a greater understanding of Korean Language in a small-class setting
-Runs 3 academic terms in a year
-Offered throughout the year in three sequential levels from Beginner, Intermediate to Advanced
  (Beginner : Tue/Fri, between 6:00-8:00pm, Intermediate: Mon, Advanced: Thu)
-Conducted once a week based on 10-week curriculum per term
-Provides useful learning materials designed as part of the Korean National Curriculum
-Learning to read and interpret the lyrics of K-pop as an extra-activity in a class

*For more information about joining the class, contact the Korean Education Centre